AAOBA News Vol. 1, Issue 2.

In this issue:

*AAOBA Hosts Orientation for New Students of Accra Academy
*Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association Holds Maiden Annual General Meeting
* Bleoo Legacy Fundraising Initiative Launched
*Bleoo 2006 donates to Pantang Hospital

* Job Vacancies & Class Notes
This newsletter is a quarterly publication intended to provide Bleoobii information on the activities of the association. Year Groups and Bleoobii who wish to contribute content to this publication should send their submissions to the Editor via email to aaobanews@gmail.com

AAOBA Hosts Orientation for New Students of Accra Academy
The Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association (AAOBA) has organised an orientation for day students admitted to Accra Academy in October 2017. The orientation took place at the K.G. Konuah hall on Thursday the 18th of January 2018 and was chaired by Bleoobi Emmanuel Bruce-Attah, President of the Association. The new student entrants numbering 750 gathered in the assembly hall to listen to advise and motivational speeches from Bleobii spanning a cross section of year groups.
The speakers drawn both locally and internationally were as follows; Bleoobi Ayaa Kojo Armah (Bleoo 70), Bleoobi Fred Quaye (Bleoo 79), Bleoobi Moses Cofie (Bleoo 83), Bleoobi Samuel Anim Addo (Bleoo 94), Bleoobi Bello Haruna (Bleoo 99) and from the diaspora, Bleoobi Prince Andoh (Bleoo 88) from the U.S.A, and Bleoobi Anthony Hoffman-Addy (Bleoo 96) from the United Kingdom, who interacted with the students via Skype.
The speakers took the eager and receptive students through their experiences as former students of Accra Academy. They told the students how the qualities they nurtured during their time in the school has shaped their lives. 
There was an interaction section where the speakers answered questions posed by the students. At the end of it all, Bleoobi Emmanuel Bruce Attah (Bleoo 73) summarized the subject matter by the various speakers as follows; read more

Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association Holds Maiden Annual General Meeting

The Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association (AAOBA) has held its maiden Annual General Meeting at the K. G. Konuah hall in Accra. The meeting which took place on 24 March 2018 was held under the theme “What will be your Bleoo Legacy?”. In attendance were several alumni as well as members of the School Board and PTA. The meeting saw the introduction of the Bleoo Legacy Fundraising Initiative by the AAOBA Executive. This initiative seeks to raise One million Ghana Cedis from life-time contributions of members to purchase Government of Ghana bonds for Accra Academy as a means of providing a sustainable income for the School in perpetuity. 
According to the President of AAOBA, Bleoobi Mr Emmanuel Bruce-Attah, who  also chaired the occasion, alumni or their proxies can pledge between Gh¢1,000 and Gh¢100,000  and above as their life-time contribution and legacy to the School. Mr Bruce-Attah in presenting his report on activities of the Association for 2017, noted that the Association had organised several activities including; election of new National Executives, homecoming, commissioning of the refurbished tower clock, dining hall and science laboratories, inter-hall cross country, introduction of a quarterly newsletter, orientation of first year students of Accra Academy but to name a few. He thanked the various year groups and corporate sponsors that had helped to undertake the projects. He also highlighted ongoing projects at the School being undertaken by year groups which are yet to be completed namely; a multi-purpose Sports Court, a 100 capacity ICT Laboratory, a Clinic and a Piggery. According to Mr Bruce-Attah, the short term goals of the Association to help the School win the National Science and Maths Quiz, to encourage Bleoobii to leave a Legacy for the school by way of contributions to the legacy fund initiative and building an Alumni house will continue to remain in focus. Mr Bruce-Attah expressed gratitude to the various year groups that paid their 2017 annual levies, noting that the Association relies on these levies for its activities and projects.  Mr Bruce-Attah also disclosed plans by AAOBA to organise a novelty career fair in June that will focus on employment and business opportunities  for members of  the Association. read more

Bleoo Legacy Fundraising Initiative Launched
The Bleoo Legacy Fundraising Initiative (BLFI) is to provide an efficient and sustainable means for Bleoobii to continue to support their alma mater in the ever changing and uncertain landscape of secondary education in Ghana. What is certain is that Bleoobii will be called upon increasingly to come to the aid of the school as result of the Free Secondary School and other government programs which are not fully funded. Thus for every crisis the school has to fall on Bleoobii or stretch the use of its facilities to raise internally generated funds (IGF). Clearly, this approach is not sustainable.
What is conspicuously missing in the portfolio of support from Bleoobii to the school is the lack of invested funds. We believe that the time has come for Bleoobii to raise funds specifically to be invested in order to generate a constant stream of interest revenue to be used as needed; and also, we do not panic when the next crises comes. This special initiative is needed to bring focus to the need for raising seed capital and to assure Bleoobii that this seed capital is protected and only the returns would be transferred to Endowment Fund to be used for the benefit of the school.
The BLFI calls on each Bleoobii to make a lifetime contribution as his or her LEGACY to the school. These contributions will be invested in perpetuity in honour of the contributors and for the benefit of the school. Only the interests from these investments will be available for the maintenance, wellbeing and development of Accra Academy.
The BLFI is also intended to influence the mindset of Bleoobii to have a legacy by way of significant contributions towards the progress of the school. Bleoobii may pledge life-time contributions of Ghc1,000, (minimum) Ghc5,000 (standard) Ghc10,000 (gold) or above Ghc10,000 (platinum). The names of all Bleoobii who fulfil their life-time contribution pledges would be immortalized in the Great Hall of the Alumni House and likewise documented in the annals of the Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association (AAOBA). read more

Bleoo 2006 donates to Pantang Hospital

On Easter Monday, 2 April 2018,  Bleoo 2006 with support from Promasidor Ghana Ltd and Mega Life Sciences, donated items worth over Ghc 15,000 to the Pantang Hospital in Accra as part of the groups' social responsibility.

The donation comprised of cowbell products from Promasidor, drugs from Mega Life sciences and toiletries from Bleoo 2006.
Mr. Enoch Kwaku Gyasi, the organizing secretary of the Bleoo 2006 group said that there is always room for groups and organizations to do more for the less fortunate and those in need. Thus the group took this step to serve as the door opener for other organizations to follow through and do same or even better. He noted that corporate organizations can also partner with support groups to make this a regular practice which will support the government as it is relied upon to do everything. According to Mr. Gyasi, groups in their own small way can help to ameliorate the plights of the downtrodden in our society.
Nii Sekoh Abbey-Ashong, President of the group, noted that one of Accra Academy’s Latin motto’s ‘’Non sibi sed aliis’’ translated as ‘’Not for self, but for others’’ inspires the group to always look out for the underprivileged in society and offer their best support when they can.

Job Vacancies

There are no job vacancies available at this time.


We regret to announce the passing away of  Bleoobi Emmanuel Yarlai Tetteh (Bleoo 73).

We regret to announce the passing away of Bleoobi Cyrus Kwartei Quartey (Bleoo '95), Bleoobi Francis Akuetteh Bonney (Bleoo '96) and Bleoobi Benjamin Nii Amu Quartey aka Boneshaker (Bleoo '97).
We regret to announce the passing away of Bleoobi Steven Wonder Agbenyega (Bleoo 2G5).

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