AAOBA News Vol. 1, Issue 1.

JANUARY 8, 2018


Accra Academy Old Boys' Association Newsletter
Vol. 1. Issue 1.

In this issue:

*Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association Elects New National Executives
*Highlights of Bleoobii Homecoming 2017
*Bleoo '94 revives Inter-Hall Cross Country race

* Bleoo ’77 refurbishes Accra Academy Tower Clock for over Gh₵ 120,000
This newsletter is a quarterly publication intended to provide Bleoobii information on the activities of the association. Year Groups and Bleoobii who wish to contribute content to this publication should send their submissions to the Editor via email to aaobanews@gmail.com

Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association Elects New National Executives
The Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association (AAOBA) elected nine National Executives to steer the affairs of the association for the next three years after an election organized at the K. G. Konuah Hall on 11th February, 2017.  

The new National Executives were sworn into office at a ceremony held at K. G. Konuah hall on 11th April, 2017. The event which was chaired by. Mr. Wilson Tei was characterized among other things by the presentation of the school flag and AAOBA constitution to the incoming president, Mr. Emmanuel Bruce-Attah, by the outgoing president, Mr. Samuel Victor Quao, and the recitation of the oath of office administered to the incoming executives.
In his speech, Mr. S.V. Quao recounted the challenges of the association from its early days and reiterated the successes it had chalked over the years, particularly in organizing the yearly homecoming. Mr. Emmanuel Bruce-Attah in his inaugural address pledged to grow the association from strength to strength. read more


The Bleoobii Homecoming 2017 was held at the Accra Academy Interact Square (now Samuel Ofori-Adjei Ceremonial Square) on 5th August, 2017. Below are the highlights of the event;

A memorial service was held for Bleoobii who had passed away since the last homecoming. Their names and year group were announced after which a minute silence was observed and a prayer said for them. The ceremony was officiated by the school chaplain, Mr. Addai Dapaah (Bleoo ’82).


In his welcome address, Mr. Emmanuel Bruce-Attah presented the three (3) main themes of the homecoming as follows;

Accra Academy is yet to win the National Science and Math Quiz thus AAOBA has budgeted GH₵ 10,000 from the levies to support the school in this regard. Further support is needed from Bleoobii to make the school’s dream of winning the quiz a reality.

The Accra Academy Board of Governors has allocated a plot of land to AAOBA for an Alumni House. The Alumni House once completed will serve as a place where Bleoobii can relax, hold meetings and events, and socialize without disturbing school activities. It will also have facilities for rental and could eventually be self-sustaining. 
 Contributions from Bleoobii are pivotal in making the Alumni House a reality.

Bleoobii are encouraged to contribute to the Bleoo Legacy Fund (BLF) which is an investment fund of life-time contributions of Bleoobii, invested in perpetuity for the maintenance, wellbeing and development of Accra Academy. Each life-time contribution by a Bleoobi would be used as seed capital to purchase Government of Ghana bonds over a 20-year recurrent cycle and would serve as his legacy to Accra Academy. The interests accrued from the purchase of these bonds would be donated to the school annually to fund school activities. 
The Bleoo 2007 Year group was duly inducted into the Accra Academy Old Boys Association by Mr. Emmanuel Bruce-Attah.

Mr. Emmanuel Bruce-Attah presented Bleoo Year groups that paid the levy in part or in full with a certificate of recognition and a pack of homecoming branded water. read more

Bleoo '94 revives Inter-hall Cross Country race
Under the auspices of Bleoo ‘94, an inter-hall cross country race was held for students of Accra Academy on 28th October, 2017. The competition, rejuvenated by Bleoo '94, had long since being a tradition of the school which had petered out over the years due to insufficient funding. Bleoo '94 aims to use the competition as an avenue to promote a healthy lifestyle among students as well as help them capitalize on their athletic talents.
The race was contested by several students representing seven halls of residence, and concluded with Peter Ala Adjetey Hall coming in first and Nana Akuoko Sarpong and Alema halls' placing 2nd and 3rd respectively. Nana Wereko Ampem, Ellen, Awuletey and Halm Addo Halls’ placed 4th ,5th, 6th and 7th respectively.
The event was also characterized by a football match between the 1994 year group and teaching staff of the school.

Bleoo ’77 refurbishes Accra Academy Tower Clock for over Gh₵ 120,000
Mr. Wilson Tei, Board Chairman of Accra Academy, unveiled a plague for a refurbished Tower Clock sponsored by Bleoo ’77 at a ceremony held at the Founders’ Court of Accra Academy on 22nd November 2017. He did the unveiling in the company of Mr. Samuel Ofori-Adjei, the immediate past headmaster, Rev. William Garr, the current headmaster and Mr. Emmanuel Bruce-Attah, President of the Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association (AAOBA).
The Tower clock was refurbished by Bleoo ’77 for over Gh₵ 120,000 as part of festivities marking four decades since their graduation from Accra Academy.  Members of the Bleoo ’77  year group expressed concern that the clock had broken down some time after their departure from the school, although, during their student years it had been of immerse importance not only to students, but, also to inhabitants in the surrounding communities as well. They explained that the clock made them time conscious and enabled them manage their time wisely. In light of this, the year group agreed to reactivate the clock in an effort to enable the current generation of students experience the benefits of the clock which they had experienced.
Mr. Richard Badger, a Mechanical Engineer at Volta River Authority (VRA) and a member of Bleoo ‘77, presented the new clock to the school and assured the school that a service agreement had been established with the installers of the clock to keep it operational.  He, therefore, urged the students to study diligently and utilize the clock in their studies as it would help schedule their daily activities. 

Contact Us

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Mailing address: Accra Academy Old Boys' Association, C/o Accra Academy, P. O. Box 501, Accra, Greater Accra Region, 23321, GH


  1. Well done guys '77 Bleeoobii. It's the desire of many of us to see the tower clock refurbished. God bless you guys. Accra Aca, Bleeoo!


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