AAOBA Hosts Orientation for New Students of Accra Academy

The Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association (AAOBA) has organised an orientation day for students admitted to our Alma mater in October 2017. The orientation took place at the K.G. Konuah hall on Thursday the 18th of January 2018 and was chaired by Bleoobi Emmanuel Bruce-Attah, President of the Association. The new student entrants numbering 750 gathered in the assembly hall to listen to advise and motivational speeches from Bleobii spanning a cross section of year groups.

The speakers drawn both locally and internationally were as follows; Bleoobi Ayaa Kojo Armah (Bleoo 70), Bleoobi Fred Quaye (Bleoo 79), Bleoobi Moses Cofie (Bleoo 83), Bleoobi Samuel Anim Addo (Bleoo 94), Bleoobi Bello Haruna (Bleoo 99) and from the diaspora, Bleoobi Prince Andoh (Bleoo 88) from the U.S.A, and Bleoobi Anthony Hoffman-Addy (Bleoo 96) from the United Kingdom, who interacted with the students via Skype.
The speakers took the eager and receptive students through their experiences as former students of Accra Academy. They told the students how the qualities they nurtured during their time in the school has shaped their lives. These were real nuggets of information. The speakers also infused the new entrants with a dose of the Bleoo spirit.

There was an interaction section where the speakers answered questions posed by the students. At the end of it all, Bleoobi Emmanuel Bruce Attah (Bleoo 73) summarized the subject matter by the various speakers as follows; 
1. Bleoobi Ataa Armah’s clarion call to students to work hard, as hard work never killed anybody,
2. Bleoobi Mose Cofie  who urged students to be disciplined, team players and have fun,
3. Bleoobi Fred Quaye who cautioned on time management and encouraged students to explore new areas in artificial intelligence, 3D and robotics,
4. Bleoobi Samuel Anim Addo who charged students to put in a 100 percent effort in all their endeavours and challenge themselves to attain greater heights,
5. Bleoobi Haruna Bello who encouraged students to love what they do and emphasized self-confidence as a key tenet and hallmark of the Bleoo spirit,
6. Bleoobi Prince Andoh speaking from the U.S.A cautioned students against complacency, charging them to see their presence in Accra Academy as a privilege not to be taken for granted.
7. Bleoobi Anthony Hofman-Addy who emphasized the need for students to hunger for knowledge and urged them to be patient and perseverant and take advantage of the resources at their disposal.
The event was attended by the executives of the Association who played various roles namely; Bleoobi Emmanuel Bruce-Attah (73) President, Bleoobi Michael Nartey (84) Vice President, Nii Quansah Abbey-Ashong (75) Secretary, Rebecca Yeboah (96) Assistant Secretary, Eddy Lawson (84) P.R.O, Emmanuel Kusi (96) Executive Member,  and Albert Quartey (97) Executive Member.
It was an enjoyable day to the service of the Bleoo family after which there was refreshments and a meal for the students. The event was supported with sponsorship from Coca-Cola Ghana, Indomie, Taitapic Fruit Juice and Exigency Ghana.

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